Chinese Typography

Video: "Neglected Design: Chinese Typography"

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Chinese Typography: Zhu Zhiwei

An Important Typographer

Zhu has over thirty years of experience in Chinese character type design. Prior to that, he was engaged in the art of Chinese character printing and calligraphy for fifteen years (Liao, 79). During the actual engraving operation, he accumulated a lot of experience in the intuition of Chinese printing fonts and developed a set of aesthetics for structure, proportion, weight and priority that is found in a veteran craftsman. After becoming a member of Peking University Founder's Typeface Company by chance, he fully integrated his more than ten years of practical experience in grassroots printing into the design of printing typefaces. Today, the "Boya Song" typeface he designed is widely used in 90% of the major newspapers and magazines in China (Ma). In design, Zhu adheres to a philosophy that combines human-centered design with calligraphic skills, pursuing typefaces that are efficient, easy to read, simple, and beautiful.

The movable type printing technique was used in the Chinese printing industry until the 1970s (Liao, 66). Zhu is one of the few designers who have followed the growth of modern Chinese typeface design in all its stages, from the earlier days of copper mold and lead printing to designing Chinese printing fonts by scripting word by word using ink brushes, to the modern comprehensive use of computers for typeface design. Zhu has a burning passion for this industry and continues to contribute his knowledge and experience to it. He is now working as an art director at Han Yi Font Company, continuing to create while also training the next generation of typographers as a visiting professor at universities (Ma).

Works Cited

Liao, Jielian. CHINESE TYPOGRAPHER 中國字體設計人:一字一生. Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, 2012.

Ma, Rong. “字体设计师的眼界提升 - 专访朱志伟《创意方法论·采访间》.” ZCOOL, 2019.

The significant contribution Zhu has made to the Chinese typography >>

"The Chinese brush, which begins with a single stroke,
breaks through the void and leaves behind a handwriting
that flows out the beauty of the human heart
as well as the beauty of all images."

—— "Aesthetic Ideologies in Chinese Calligraphy"

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